아름다운 사막 풍경 모음
누가 이곳을 사막(desert)이라고 말했는가? 예술가의 눈에 비추어진 자연의 아름다움을 감상할 수 있는 <예술작품 전시회>라 고 말하고 싶다.
Sand dunes, Rub al Khali Oasis Huakachina, Peru The dried bed of the river, the desert of Sonora, Mexico Namib Desert and the Atlantic Ocean, Namibia El Ma Lake Ouema, Libya White Desert, Egypt Pinnakls Desert, Western Australia Artificially irrigated fields, Jordan The dunes, Rub al Khali - the boundaries of four countries - Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates Solar Power Plant, Mojave Desert, California, USA Dune Road devastated, Egypt Oasis "crescent" in the Gobi Desert Train in the desert, South Australia Takla Makan Desert, China
National Park Len_ is Maranhenses, Brazil
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