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화가 Edgar De Gas의 작품 모음

雲山(뭉개구름을 머리에 이고있는 산) 2013. 10. 15. 23:33

화가 Edgar De Gas의 작품 모음



Mary Cassatt at the Louvre - 1880 c.

Race Horses Before the Grandstand - 1866-68

The Orchestra of the Opera - 1870 c.

Dance Class - 1871

Aux courses en province At the Races in the Country1872

The Bellelli Family - 1858-67

Cabaret - 1876-77

Madamoiselle Dobigny - 1869

Woman in Her Bath Washing Her Leg - 1883-84

The Tub 1886

The Dance Class - 1876 c.

The Tub - 1885-86 c.
